Doris2.1.5版本执行SQL时报:The last packet successfully received from the server was 10,009 milliseconds ago

Viewed 62

insert into enterprise_atlas.ft_unit_inventor_sort(unit_id,inventor_name,main_ipc_four_code,sort,ipc_patent_num,ipc_inventor_num,is_deleted,process_update_time) select unit_id,k.inventor_name,k.main_ipc_four_code,sort, row_number() over (partition by unit_id,k.inventor_name order by k.ipc_patent_num desc ) ipc_patent_num, nvl(ii.ipc_inventor_num,0),2,now(3) from ( select t.unit_id,inventor_name,t.main_ipc_four_code,sum(nvl(t.ipc_patent_num,0)) ipc_patent_num from enterprise_atlas.ft_unit_inventor_ipc t where t.main_ipc_four_code in (select codeId from enterprise_atlas.dim_ipc where keyword is not null) GROUP BY t.unit_id,inventor_name,t.main_ipc_four_code ) k inner join enterprise_atlas.ft_ipc_inventor ii on k.main_ipc_four_code = ii.main_ipc_four_code inner join (select inventor_name,main_ipc_four_code,row_number() over (partition by main_ipc_four_code order by ipc_patent_num desc ) sort from ( select inventor_name,t.main_ipc_four_code,sum(nvl(t.ipc_patent_num,0)) ipc_patent_num from enterprise_atlas.ft_unit_inventor_ipc t where t.main_ipc_four_code in (select codeId from enterprise_atlas.dim_ipc where keyword is not null) GROUP BY inventor_name,t.main_ipc_four_code ) j ) j on k.inventor_name=j.inventor_name and k.main_ipc_four_code=j.main_ipc_four_code

The last packet successfully received from the server was 10,009 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 10,009 milliseconds ago.
; Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from the server was 10,009 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 10,009 milliseconds ago.

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