2.1.5 表行数:1620000,没有做过更新和删除。
通过SortKey做点查,但是,Profile中出现【- RowsKeyRangeFiltered: 17.814555M (17814555)】,17814555远大于1620000。
- Profile ID: f83b42d9f05142f4-96ed95ee4959670c
- Task Type: QUERY
- Start Time: 2024-09-26 15:38:17
- End Time: 2024-09-26 15:38:17
- Total: 32ms
- Task State: EOF
- User: root
- Default Db: test
- Sql Statement: select * from adi_register_info_MOR03
where SERIALNUM_ID = '0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c'
Execution Summary:
- Parse SQL Time: 0ms
- Nereids Analysis Time: 2ms
- Nereids Rewrite Time: 3ms
- Nereids Optimize Time: 1ms
- Nereids Translate Time: 0ms
- Workload Group: normal
- Analysis Time: 2ms
- Plan Time: 5ms
- JoinReorder Time: N/A
- CreateSingleNode Time: N/A
- QueryDistributed Time: N/A
- Init Scan Node Time: N/A
- Finalize Scan Node Time: N/A
- Get Splits Time: N/A
- Get Partitions Time: N/A
- Get Partition Files Time: N/A
- Create Scan Range Time: N/A
- Schedule Time: 8ms
- Fragment Assign Time: 0ms
- Fragment Serialize Time: 2ms
- Fragment RPC Phase1 Time: 5ms
- Fragment RPC Phase2 Time: 1ms
- Fragment Compressed Size: 8.27 KB
- Fragment RPC Count: 6
- Wait and Fetch Result Time: 17ms
- Fetch Result Time: 15ms
- Write Result Time: 0ms
- Doris Version: doris-2.1.5-rc02-d5a02e095d
- Is Nereids: Yes
- Is Pipeline: Yes
- Is Cached: No
- Total Instances Num: 4
- Instances Num Per BE:,,
- Parallel Fragment Exec Instance Num: 1
- Trace ID:
- Transaction Commit Time: N/A
Fragment 0:
Pipeline : 0(instance_num=1):
- PlanInfo
- TABLE: test.adi_register_info_mor03(adi_register_info_mor03), PREAGGREGATION: ON
- PREDICATES: (SERIALNUM_ID = '0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c') AND (DORIS_DELETE_SIGN = 0)
- partitions=1/1 (adi_register_info_mor03)
- tablets=3/3, tabletList=402864,402866,402868
- cardinality=1620000, avgRowSize=0.0, numNodes=1
- pushAggOp=NONE
- project output tuple id: 1
- BlocksProduced: sum 2, avg 2, max 2, min 2
- CloseTime: avg 4.890us, max 4.890us, min 4.890us
- ExecTime: avg 378.705us, max 378.705us, min 378.705us
- InitTime: avg 28.740us, max 28.740us, min 28.740us
- InputRows: sum 0, avg 0, max 0, min 0
- MemoryUsage: sum , avg , max , min
- PeakMemoryUsage: sum 0.00 , avg 0.00 , max 0.00 , min 0.00
- OpenTime: avg 123.672us, max 123.672us, min 123.672us
- RowsProduced: sum 1, avg 1, max 1, min 1
- WaitForDependencyTime: avg 0ns, max 0ns, min 0ns
- WaitForDependency[RESULT_SINK_OPERATOR_DEPENDENCY]Time: avg 0ns, max 0ns, min 0ns
- PlanInfo
- offset: 0
- BlocksProduced: sum 2, avg 2, max 2, min 2
- CloseTime: avg 3.930us, max 3.930us, min 3.930us
- ExecTime: avg 120.461us, max 120.461us, min 120.461us
- InitTime: avg 104.381us, max 104.381us, min 104.381us
- MemoryUsage: sum , avg , max , min
- PeakMemoryUsage: sum 0.00 , avg 0.00 , max 0.00 , min 0.00
- OpenTime: avg 2.110us, max 2.110us, min 2.110us
- ProjectionTime: avg 0ns, max 0ns, min 0ns
- RowsProduced: sum 1, avg 1, max 1, min 1
- WaitForDependencyTime: avg 0ns, max 0ns, min 0ns
- WaitForData0: avg 13.383ms, max 13.383ms, min 13.383ms
Fragment 1:
Pipeline : 0(instance_num=3):
- BlocksProduced: sum 4, avg 1, max 2, min 0
- CloseTime: avg 9.694us, max 10.211us, min 9.70us
- ExecTime: avg 382.206us, max 567.10us, min 142.552us
- InitTime: avg 95.381us, max 113.272us, min 62.421us
- InputRows: sum 1, avg 0, max 1, min 0
- MemoryUsage: sum , avg , max , min
- PeakMemoryUsage: sum 768.00 B, avg 256.00 B, max 768.00 B, min 0.00
- OpenTime: avg 98.698us, max 173.973us, min 55.981us
- RowsProduced: sum 1, avg 0, max 1, min 0
- WaitForDependencyTime: avg 0ns, max 0ns, min 0ns
- WaitForRpcBufferQueue: avg 0ns, max 0ns, min 0ns
OLAP_SCAN_OPERATOR (id=0. table name = adi_register_info_mor03(adi_register_info_mor03)):
- BlocksProduced: sum 1, avg 0, max 1, min 0
- CloseTime: avg 662.403us, max 706.980us, min 579.99us
- ExecTime: avg 9.652ms, max 13.39ms, min 7.901ms
- InitTime: avg 302.161us, max 321.886us, min 268.343us
- MemoryUsage: sum , avg , max , min
- PeakMemoryUsage: sum 0.00 , avg 0.00 , max 0.00 , min 0.00
- OpenTime: avg 6.441ms, max 6.999ms, min 6.64ms
- ProjectionTime: avg 0ns, max 0ns, min 0ns
- RowsProduced: sum 1, avg 0, max 1, min 0
- RuntimeFilterInfo: sum , avg , max , min
- WaitForDependency[OLAP_SCAN_OPERATOR_DEPENDENCY]Time: avg 1.469ms, max 4.409ms, min 0ns
- MemoryUsage: sum , avg , max , min
- FreeBlocks: sum 12.52 MB, avg 4.17 MB, max 4.22 MB, min 4.08 MB
Execution Profile f83b42d9f05142f4-96ed95ee4959670c:(Active: 32ms, % non-child: 0.00%)
Fragment 0:
Pipeline :0 (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:, port:9050)):
PipelineXTask (index=0):(Active: 831.31us, % non-child: 0.00%)
- CoreChangeTimes: 0
- ExecuteTime: 454.777us
- CloseTime: 10.440us
- GetBlockTime: 12.180us
- OpenTime: 168.522us
- PrepareTime: 189.22us
- SinkTime: 221.713us
- GetBlockCounter: 2
- NumBlockedBySinkTimes: 0
- NumBlockedBySrcTimes: 1
- NumBlockedTimes: 3
- NumScheduleTimes: 3
- NumYieldTimes: 0
- PendingFinishTimes: 0
- TaskCpuTime: 801.290us
- WaitBfTime: 0ns
- WaitBfTimes: 0
- WaitDenpendencyTimes: 1
- WaitWorkerTime: 93.701us
- AppendBatchTime: 219.423us
- CopyBufferTime: 0ns
- ResultSendTime: 108.62us
- TupleConvertTime: 60.121us
- BlocksProduced: 2
- BytesSent: 121.00 B
- CloseTime: 4.890us
- ExecTime: 378.705us
- InitTime: 28.740us
- InputRows: 0
- MemoryUsage:
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- NumSentRows: 1
- OpenTime: 123.672us
- PendingFinishDependency: 0ns
- RowsProduced: 1
- WaitForDependencyTime: 0ns
- BlocksProduced: 2
- BytesReceived: 325.00 B
- CloseTime: 3.930us
- DataArrivalWaitTime: 0ns
- DecompressBytes: 0.00
- DecompressTime: 0ns
- DeserializeRowBatchTimer: 42.771us
- ExecTime: 120.461us
- FirstBatchArrivalWaitTime: 0ns
- InitTime: 104.381us
- LocalBytesReceived: 0.00
- MemoryUsage:
- Blocks: 768.00 B
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- OpenTime: 2.110us
- ProjectionTime: 0ns
- RowsProduced: 1
- SendersBlockedTotalTimer(*): 0ns
- WaitForDependencyTime: 0ns
- WaitForData0: 13.383ms
Fragment 1:
Pipeline :0 (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:, port:9050)):
PipelineXTask (index=0):(Active: 14.614ms, % non-child: 0.00%)
- CoreChangeTimes: 0
- ExecuteTime: 7.81ms
- CloseTime: 718.350us
- GetBlockTime: 669.750us
- OpenTime: 6.334ms
- PrepareTime: 473.727us
- SinkTime: 4.870us
- GetBlockCounter: 33
- NumBlockedBySinkTimes: 0
- NumBlockedBySrcTimes: 0
- NumBlockedTimes: 2
- NumScheduleTimes: 2
- NumYieldTimes: 0
- PendingFinishTimes: 0
- TaskCpuTime: 3.949ms
- WaitBfTime: 0ns
- WaitBfTimes: 0
- WaitDenpendencyTimes: 1
- WaitWorkerTime: 67.800us
- BlocksProduced: 0
- BrpcSendTime: 0ns
- BrpcSendTime.Wait: 0ns
- BytesSent: 0.00
- CloseTime: 9.70us
- CompressTime: 0ns
- ExecTime: 142.552us
- InitTime: 62.421us
- InputRows: 0
- LocalBytesSent: 0.00
- LocalSendTime: 0ns
- LocalSentRows: 0
- MemoryUsage:
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- MergeBlockTime: 0ns
- OpenTime: 66.141us
- OverallThroughput: 0.0 /sec
- PendingFinishDependency: 0ns
- RowsProduced: 0
- RpcAvgTime: 0ns
- RpcCount: 0
- RpcMaxTime: 0ns
- RpcMinTime: 0ns
- RpcSumTime: 0ns
- SerializeBatchTime: 0ns
- SplitBlockDistributeByChannelTime: 0ns
- SplitBlockHashComputeTime: 0ns
- UncompressedRowBatchSize: 0.00
- WaitForDependencyTime: 0ns
- WaitForRpcBufferQueue: 0ns
OLAP_SCAN_OPERATOR (id=0. table name = adi_register_info_mor03(adi_register_info_mor03)):
- RuntimeFilters: :
- PushDownPredicates: [{DORIS_DELETE_SIGN IN [0]}]
- KeyRanges: ScanKeys:ScanKey=[0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c,0000-01-01 00:00:00 : 0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c,9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999]
- TabletIds: [402864]
- UseSpecificThreadToken: False
- AcquireRuntimeFilterTime: 610ns
- BlocksProduced: 0
- CloseTime: 706.980us
- ExecTime: 7.901ms
- InitTime: 268.343us
- KeyRangesNum: 0
- MaxScannerThreadNum: 33
- MemoryUsage:
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- NumScanners: 33
- OpenTime: 6.261ms
- ProcessConjunctTime: 288.255us
- ProjectionTime: 0ns
- RowsProduced: 0
- RowsRead: 0
- RuntimeFilterInfo:
- ScannerWorkerWaitTime: 14.381ms
- TabletNum: 1
- TotalReadThroughput: 0
- WaitForRuntimeFilter: 0ns
- PerScannerRunningTime: [20.610us, 7.920us, 8.470us, 7.950us, 6.480us, 7.050us, 6.380us, 9.830us, 9.090us, 8.570us, 8.100us, 6.620us, 6.580us, 7.210us, 7.260us, 6.450us, 7.100us, 6.480us, 6.500us, 6.480us, 7.350us, 6.960us, 6.201us, 6.510us, 6.220us, 6.450us, 7.150us, 6.730us, 6.990us, 6.191us, 7.900us, 7.840us, 7.831us, ]
- PerScannerRowsRead: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]
- PerScannerWaitTime: [65.731us, 25.401us, 79.451us, 66.981us, 190.213us, 459.506us, 488.977us, 529.448us, 1.268ms, 1.301ms, 1.143ms, 1.802ms, 1.805ms, 1.900ms, 19.360us, 25.800us, 102.721us, 69.241us, 251.514us, 321.254us, 410.106us, 114.941us, 147.092us, 219.663us, 264.174us, 336.424us, 354.505us, 423.946us, 15.040us, 66.321us, 20.161us, 36.641us, 54.671us, ]
- PerScannerProjectionTime: [70.000ns, 150.000ns, 150.000ns, 160.000ns, 90.000ns, 100.000ns, 120.000ns, 250.000ns, 140.000ns, 160.000ns, 120.000ns, 70.000ns, 70.000ns, 90.000ns, 100.000ns, 80.000ns, 110.000ns, 120.000ns, 100.000ns, 90.000ns, 60.000ns, 120.000ns, 90.000ns, 110.000ns, 100.000ns, 80.000ns, 90.000ns, 120.000ns, 110.000ns, 90.000ns, 90.000ns, 120.000ns, 80.000ns, ]
- BlockConvertTime: 0ns
- BlockFetchTime: 0ns
- DeleteBitmapGetAggTime: 3.232ms
- MemoryUsage:
- FreeBlocks: 4.22 MB
- NewlyCreateFreeBlocksNum: 0
- NumScaleUpScanners: 0
- ReaderInitTime: 34.532ms
- RowsDelFiltered: 0
- ScannerBatchWaitTime: 900ns
- ScannerConvertBlockTime: 0ns
- ScannerCpuTime: 19.864ms
- ScannerCtxSchedTime: 14.248ms
- ScannerFilterTime: 0ns
- ScannerGetBlockTime: 28.840us
- ScannerInitTime: 418.275us
- ScannerPrefilterTime: 0ns
- ScannerSchedCount: 33
- BitmapIndexFilterTimer: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredBloomFilterTime: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredDictTime: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredTime: 1.950us
- BlockConditionsFilteredZonemapRuntimePredicateTime: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredZonemapTime: 0ns
- BlockInitSeekCount: 0
- BlockInitSeekTime: 0ns
- BlockInitTime: 8.977ms
- BlockLoadTime: 15.956ms
- BlocksLoad: 33
- CachedPagesNum: 0
- CollectIteratorMergeTime: 0ns
- CollectIteratorNormalTime: 0ns
- CompressedBytesRead: 0.00
- DecompressorTimer: 0ns
- ExprFilterEvalTime: 0ns
- FirstReadSeekCount: 0
- FirstReadSeekTime: 0ns
- FirstReadTime: 16.430us
- IOTimer: 0ns
- InvertedIndexFilterTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryBitmapCopyTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryBitmapOpTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryCacheHit: 0
- InvertedIndexQueryCacheMiss: 0
- InvertedIndexQueryTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexSearcherOpenTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexSearcherSearchTime: 0ns
- LazyReadSeekCount: 0
- LazyReadSeekTime: 0ns
- LazyReadTime: 0ns
- NumSegmentFiltered: 0
- NumSegmentTotal: 33
- OutputColumnTime: 0ns
- OutputIndexResultColumnTimer: 0ns
- RawRowsRead: 0
- RowsBitmapIndexFiltered: 0
- RowsBloomFilterFiltered: 0
- RowsConditionsFiltered: 0
- RowsDictFiltered: 0
- RowsInvertedIndexFiltered: 0
- RowsKeyRangeFiltered: 17.814555M (17814555)
- RowsShortCircuitPredFiltered: 0
- RowsShortCircuitPredInput: 0
- RowsStatsFiltered: 0
- RowsVectorPredFiltered: 0
- RowsVectorPredInput: 0
- RowsZonemapRuntimePredicateFiltered: 0
- SecondReadTime: 0ns
- ShortPredEvalTime: 0ns
- TotalPagesNum: 0
- UncompressedBytesRead: 0.00
- VectorPredEvalTime: 0ns
Pipeline :0 (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:, port:9050)):
PipelineXTask (index=0):(Active: 15.101ms, % non-child: 0.00%)
- CoreChangeTimes: 0
- ExecuteTime: 7.531ms
- CloseTime: 713.382us
- GetBlockTime: 932.477us
- OpenTime: 6.261ms
- PrepareTime: 586.640us
- SinkTime: 269.614us
- GetBlockCounter: 33
- NumBlockedBySinkTimes: 0
- NumBlockedBySrcTimes: 0
- NumBlockedTimes: 2
- NumScheduleTimes: 3
- NumYieldTimes: 0
- PendingFinishTimes: 1
- TaskCpuTime: 4.866ms
- WaitBfTime: 0ns
- WaitBfTimes: 0
- WaitDenpendencyTimes: 1
- WaitWorkerTime: 84.41us
- BlocksProduced: 2
- BrpcSendTime: 0ns
- BrpcSendTime.Wait: 0ns
- BytesSent: 0.00
- CloseTime: 10.211us
- CompressTime: 0ns
- ExecTime: 567.10us
- InitTime: 113.272us
- InputRows: 0
- LocalBytesSent: 0.00
- LocalSendTime: 0ns
- LocalSentRows: 0
- MemoryUsage:
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- MergeBlockTime: 0ns
- OpenTime: 173.973us
- OverallThroughput: 0.0 /sec
- PendingFinishDependency: 1.521ms
- RowsProduced: 0
- RpcAvgTime: 0ns
- RpcCount: 1
- RpcMaxTime: 0ns
- RpcMinTime: 0ns
- RpcSumTime: 0ns
- SerializeBatchTime: 0ns
- SplitBlockDistributeByChannelTime: 0ns
- SplitBlockHashComputeTime: 0ns
- UncompressedRowBatchSize: 0.00
- WaitForDependencyTime: 0ns
- WaitForBroadcastBuffer: 0ns
- WaitForRpcBufferQueue: 0ns
OLAP_SCAN_OPERATOR (id=0. table name = adi_register_info_mor03(adi_register_info_mor03)):
- RuntimeFilters: :
- PushDownPredicates: [{DORIS_DELETE_SIGN IN [0]}]
- KeyRanges: ScanKeys:ScanKey=[0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c,0000-01-01 00:00:00 : 0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c,9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999]
- TabletIds: [402868]
- UseSpecificThreadToken: False
- AcquireRuntimeFilterTime: 440ns
- BlocksProduced: 0
- CloseTime: 701.131us
- ExecTime: 8.15ms
- InitTime: 321.886us
- KeyRangesNum: 0
- MaxScannerThreadNum: 33
- MemoryUsage:
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- NumScanners: 33
- OpenTime: 6.64ms
- ProcessConjunctTime: 290.165us
- ProjectionTime: 0ns
- RowsProduced: 0
- RowsRead: 0
- RuntimeFilterInfo:
- ScannerWorkerWaitTime: 14.776ms
- TabletNum: 1
- TotalReadThroughput: 0
- WaitForRuntimeFilter: 0ns
- PerScannerRunningTime: [6.060us, 6.200us, 5.540us, 6.280us, 6.840us, 7.060us, 7.190us, 7.810us, 18.510us, 6.080us, 5.680us, 6.860us, 5.800us, 7.020us, 6.460us, 6.721us, 5.840us, 6.081us, 6.240us, 6.960us, 5.520us, 7.320us, 7.810us, 30.741us, 7.290us, 7.680us, 6.191us, 5.890us, 6.020us, 6.340us, 6.411us, 6.590us, 7.481us, ]
- PerScannerRowsRead: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]
- PerScannerWaitTime: [31.821us, 57.770us, 71.491us, 72.051us, 700.012us, 1.099ms, 173.033us, 52.661us, 289.585us, 969.957us, 1.065ms, 1.314ms, 1.334ms, 1.334ms, 1.423ms, 66.511us, 674.641us, 691.542us, 32.801us, 28.811us, 148.973us, 23.640us, 13.200us, 111.712us, 96.172us, 97.271us, 92.092us, 87.582us, 395.986us, 483.058us, 508.969us, 513.698us, 718.972us, ]
- PerScannerProjectionTime: [50.000ns, 150.000ns, 70.000ns, 110.000ns, 110.000ns, 190.000ns, 150.000ns, 220.000ns, 140.000ns, 80.000ns, 60.000ns, 150.000ns, 140.000ns, 120.000ns, 140.000ns, 101.000ns, 110.000ns, 120.000ns, 90.000ns, 80.000ns, 100.000ns, 110.000ns, 120.000ns, 160.000ns, 120.000ns, 150.000ns, 140.000ns, 110.000ns, 90.000ns, 120.000ns, 170.000ns, 110.000ns, 120.000ns, ]
- BlockConvertTime: 0ns
- BlockFetchTime: 0ns
- DeleteBitmapGetAggTime: 1.327ms
- MemoryUsage:
- FreeBlocks: 4.08 MB
- NewlyCreateFreeBlocksNum: 0
- NumScaleUpScanners: 0
- ReaderInitTime: 37.221ms
- RowsDelFiltered: 0
- ScannerBatchWaitTime: 890ns
- ScannerConvertBlockTime: 0ns
- ScannerCpuTime: 19.963ms
- ScannerCtxSchedTime: 14.425ms
- ScannerFilterTime: 0ns
- ScannerGetBlockTime: 27.210us
- ScannerInitTime: 493.629us
- ScannerPrefilterTime: 0ns
- ScannerSchedCount: 33
- BitmapIndexFilterTimer: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredBloomFilterTime: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredDictTime: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredTime: 2.340us
- BlockConditionsFilteredZonemapRuntimePredicateTime: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredZonemapTime: 0ns
- BlockInitSeekCount: 0
- BlockInitSeekTime: 0ns
- BlockInitTime: 14.693ms
- BlockLoadTime: 22.189ms
- BlocksLoad: 37
- CachedPagesNum: 0
- CollectIteratorMergeTime: 0ns
- CollectIteratorNormalTime: 0ns
- CompressedBytesRead: 0.00
- DecompressorTimer: 0ns
- ExprFilterEvalTime: 0ns
- FirstReadSeekCount: 0
- FirstReadSeekTime: 0ns
- FirstReadTime: 18.950us
- IOTimer: 0ns
- InvertedIndexFilterTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryBitmapCopyTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryBitmapOpTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryCacheHit: 0
- InvertedIndexQueryCacheMiss: 0
- InvertedIndexQueryTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexSearcherOpenTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexSearcherSearchTime: 0ns
- LazyReadSeekCount: 0
- LazyReadSeekTime: 0ns
- LazyReadTime: 0ns
- NumSegmentFiltered: 0
- NumSegmentTotal: 37
- OutputColumnTime: 0ns
- OutputIndexResultColumnTimer: 0ns
- RawRowsRead: 0
- RowsBitmapIndexFiltered: 0
- RowsBloomFilterFiltered: 0
- RowsConditionsFiltered: 0
- RowsDictFiltered: 0
- RowsInvertedIndexFiltered: 0
- RowsKeyRangeFiltered: 4.804142M (4804142)
- RowsShortCircuitPredFiltered: 0
- RowsShortCircuitPredInput: 0
- RowsStatsFiltered: 0
- RowsVectorPredFiltered: 0
- RowsVectorPredInput: 0
- RowsZonemapRuntimePredicateFiltered: 0
- SecondReadTime: 0ns
- ShortPredEvalTime: 0ns
- TotalPagesNum: 0
- UncompressedBytesRead: 0.00
- VectorPredEvalTime: 0ns
Pipeline :0 (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:, port:9050)):
PipelineXTask (index=0):(Active: 16.464ms, % non-child: 0.00%)
- CoreChangeTimes: 0
- ExecuteTime: 8.148ms
- CloseTime: 591.390us
- GetBlockTime: 739.812us
- OpenTime: 7.61ms
- PrepareTime: 654.641us
- SinkTime: 260.464us
- GetBlockCounter: 33
- NumBlockedBySinkTimes: 0
- NumBlockedBySrcTimes: 1
- NumBlockedTimes: 3
- NumScheduleTimes: 4
- NumYieldTimes: 0
- PendingFinishTimes: 1
- TaskCpuTime: 4.952ms
- WaitBfTime: 0ns
- WaitBfTimes: 0
- WaitDenpendencyTimes: 1
- WaitWorkerTime: 75.51us
- BlocksProduced: 2
- BrpcSendTime: 0ns
- BrpcSendTime.Wait: 0ns
- BytesSent: 214.00 B
- CloseTime: 9.801us
- CompressTime: 0ns
- ExecTime: 437.58us
- InitTime: 110.452us
- InputRows: 1
- LocalBytesSent: 0.00
- LocalSendTime: 0ns
- LocalSentRows: 0
- MemoryUsage:
- PeakMemoryUsage: 768.00 B
- MergeBlockTime: 5.900us
- OpenTime: 55.981us
- OverallThroughput: 0.0 /sec
- PendingFinishDependency: 1.769ms
- RowsProduced: 1
- RpcAvgTime: 1.215ms
- RpcCount: 1
- RpcMaxTime: 1.215ms
- RpcMinTime: 1.215ms
- RpcSumTime: 1.215ms
- SerializeBatchTime: 9.311us
- SplitBlockDistributeByChannelTime: 0ns
- SplitBlockHashComputeTime: 0ns
- UncompressedRowBatchSize: 198.00 B
- WaitForDependencyTime: 0ns
- WaitForBroadcastBuffer: 0ns
- WaitForRpcBufferQueue: 0ns
OLAP_SCAN_OPERATOR (id=0. table name = adi_register_info_mor03(adi_register_info_mor03)):
- RuntimeFilters: :
- PushDownPredicates: [{DORIS_DELETE_SIGN IN [0]}]
- KeyRanges: ScanKeys:ScanKey=[0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c,0000-01-01 00:00:00 : 0011d756711bfead0ff8fe8f712ab94c,9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999]
- TabletIds: [402866]
- UseSpecificThreadToken: False
- AcquireRuntimeFilterTime: 860ns
- BlocksProduced: 1
- CloseTime: 579.99us
- ExecTime: 13.39ms
- InitTime: 316.255us
- KeyRangesNum: 0
- MaxScannerThreadNum: 33
- MemoryUsage:
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- NumScanners: 33
- OpenTime: 6.999ms
- ProcessConjunctTime: 400.506us
- ProjectionTime: 0ns
- RowsProduced: 1
- RowsRead: 1
- RuntimeFilterInfo:
- ScannerWorkerWaitTime: 10.574ms
- TabletNum: 1
- TotalReadThroughput: 0
- WaitForDependency[OLAP_SCAN_OPERATOR_DEPENDENCY]Time: 4.409ms
- WaitForRuntimeFilter: 0ns
- PreEvaluatePredicates:
ComparisonPredicateBase(TINYINT, EQ), column_id=6, opposite=false
- PerScannerRunningTime: [150.093us, 6.620us, 13.631us, 5.960us, 10.940us, 7.080us, 7.550us, 6.300us, 6.210us, 6.110us, 6.290us, 6.630us, 6.090us, 6.290us, 5.710us, 6.021us, 6.880us, 5.730us, 5.711us, 5.770us, 6.110us, 5.820us, 6.610us, 6.670us, 7.030us, 5.530us, 7.960us, 6.681us, 6.490us, 5.640us, 5.810us, 5.510us, 6.560us, ]
- PerScannerRowsRead: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]
- PerScannerWaitTime: [125.222us, 117.372us, 95.262us, 322.646us, 1.260ms, 13.780us, 14.760us, 63.201us, 28.771us, 18.341us, 42.231us, 240.144us, 331.095us, 469.878us, 956.556us, 18.351us, 78.961us, 240.004us, 448.977us, 485.218us, 638.661us, 676.261us, 912.605us, 225.713us, 675.352us, 30.090us, 533.709us, 43.411us, 74.271us, 213.194us, 320.086us, 387.177us, 472.557us, ]
- PerScannerProjectionTime: [58.131us, 110.000ns, 230.000ns, 80.000ns, 60.000ns, 140.000ns, 70.000ns, 180.000ns, 120.000ns, 130.000ns, 70.000ns, 170.000ns, 90.000ns, 80.000ns, 90.000ns, 100.000ns, 180.000ns, 60.000ns, 110.000ns, 100.000ns, 70.000ns, 60.000ns, 140.000ns, 60.000ns, 90.000ns, 90.000ns, 100.000ns, 180.000ns, 50.000ns, 110.000ns, 70.000ns, 40.000ns, 120.000ns, ]
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- BlockFetchTime: 9.460us
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- MemoryUsage:
- FreeBlocks: 4.22 MB
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- ReaderInitTime: 22.758ms
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- ScannerCpuTime: 19.433ms
- ScannerCtxSchedTime: 9.818ms
- ScannerFilterTime: 17.80us
- ScannerGetBlockTime: 85.573us
- ScannerInitTime: 588.990us
- ScannerPrefilterTime: 0ns
- ScannerSchedCount: 33
- BitmapIndexFilterTimer: 9.570us
- BlockConditionsFilteredBloomFilterTime: 34.340us
- BlockConditionsFilteredDictTime: 13.950us
- BlockConditionsFilteredTime: 575.568us
- BlockConditionsFilteredZonemapRuntimePredicateTime: 0ns
- BlockConditionsFilteredZonemapTime: 324.135us
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- CollectIteratorNormalTime: 0ns
- CompressedBytesRead: 2.07 MB
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- ExprFilterEvalTime: 0ns
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- FirstReadSeekTime: 0ns
- FirstReadTime: 2.753ms
- IOTimer: 1.358ms
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- InvertedIndexQueryBitmapCopyTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryBitmapOpTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexQueryCacheHit: 0
- InvertedIndexQueryCacheMiss: 0
- InvertedIndexQueryTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexSearcherOpenTime: 0ns
- InvertedIndexSearcherSearchTime: 0ns
- LazyReadSeekCount: 0
- LazyReadSeekTime: 0ns
- LazyReadTime: 5.768ms
- NumSegmentFiltered: 0
- NumSegmentTotal: 33
- OutputColumnTime: 2.720us
- OutputIndexResultColumnTimer: 550ns
- RawRowsRead: 1
- RowsBitmapIndexFiltered: 0
- RowsBloomFilterFiltered: 0
- RowsConditionsFiltered: 0
- RowsDictFiltered: 0
- RowsInvertedIndexFiltered: 0
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- RowsShortCircuitPredInput: 0
- RowsStatsFiltered: 0
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- RowsZonemapRuntimePredicateFiltered: 0
- SecondReadTime: 0ns
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- UncompressedBytesRead: 2.11 MB
- VectorPredEvalTime: 890ns