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W20240412 02:42:21.624763  2132 stream_load_executor.cpp:293] 2PC commit transaction failed, errmsg=[ANALYSIS_ERROR]TStatus: errCode = 2, detailMessage = transaction [511101] not found

已经参考了doris文档,errCode = 2, detailMessage = transaction [19650] not found
Occurred in the Commit phase, the transaction ID recorded in the checkpoint has expired on the FE side, and the above error will occur when committing again at this time. At this time, it cannot be started from the checkpoint, and the expiration time can be extended by modifying the streaming_label_keep_max_second configuration in fe.conf, which defaults to 12 hours.


使用show transaction已经找不到任何的transaction id了,是过期删掉了吗?有办法恢复吗?

1 Answers

flink 应该是不能从恢复了:因为设置两阶段提交后,数据先导入Doris后会先处于预提交状态,需要connector 这边执行commit,数据才可见。但是这边中间从savepoint恢复中间有一个小时间隔,事务一直收不到这个commit请求就会事务超时。所以你这个恢复会失败。