schema change 失败

Viewed 36

alter table test_table modify column extend_filed jsonb comment '扩展字段';
errCode = 2, detailMessage = schema change tasks failed on same tablet reach threshold 2
schema change task failed: task type: ALTER, status_code: DATA_QUALITY_ERROR, status_message: [(33.xx.39.50)[DATA_QUALITY_ERROR]is_null of data is changed!], backendId: Backend [id=10009, host=33.xx.39.50, heartbeatPort=9050, alive=true, lastStartTime=2024-07-09 16:04:35, tags: {location=default}], signature: 28592

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[schema_change.cpp:1108] failed to process the version. version=0-1500401, [DATA_QUALITY_ERROR]is_null of data is changed!
起初以为是实时数据在写入导致的,停止表的数据写入后重新执行schema change,该现象仍然存在。
Doris 版本:2.0.12

1 Answers

表是light schema change 的吗?